Improving Access to Resettlement and Complementary Pathways

The Durable Solutions Platform (DSP) together with Columbia Global Centers Amman (CGC) organised a seminar titled ‘Improving Refugee Access to Resettlement and Complementary Pathways’ at the CGC in Amman, Jordan on March 7th, 2018. The event brought together over 60 people from civil society, UN agencies, donors and academia to discuss resettlement and complementary pathways for Syrian refugees in the region.

The seminar aimed to establish a better understanding on how to improve access to resettlement and complementary pathways for Syrian refugees in the Middle East. In the morning, preliminary findings of two research projects were shared among key stakeholders. First, initial findings from the DSP’s research report ‘Access to Resettlement and Complementary Pathways for Syrian Refugees’ were presented, followed by findings from a study on family reunification by Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health.


In the afternoon, participants discussed the implications of the research findings in three facilitated break-out groups focused on designing humanitarian programmes and projects, advocacy efforts and developing new research initiatives. .