What Next for Livelihoods Programmes in Lebanon?

Since 16 March 2020, Lebanon has been in a state of emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lebanon’s situation is compounded because of the layering of the pandemic onto the ongoing economic and political instability experienced over the course of 2019 and 2020. This paper from the Durable Solutions Platform (DSP), together with its three member organizations Danish Refugee Council (DRC), the International Rescue Committee (IRC), Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), as well as Save the Children (SCI) and Mercy Corps (MC) reflects on the immediate impacts of the crises on vulnerable people’s livelihoods, drawing on secondary data, DSP’s recent research with LCPS and internal program data of these agencies to examine options for immediate adaptation and the medium-term planning that will be necessary to support livelihoods. It concludes by making a series of recommendations to the Government of Lebanon (GoL), United Nations (UN), international donors and NGOs.